#1 - schedule a meeting
Ling will schedule a video meeting or in-person meeting with you to review photography pricing details, and learn more about our team's approach, and your hopes & dreams!
See the inquiry form below to submit a meeting request.

#2 - sign your booking proposal
After the Zoom meeting, a booking proposal with all of your collection options is emailed to you create your own collection. This also includes the contract, invoice, and all that jazz to make it official with Trailing Twine Photography! Review and sign the booking proposal in the comfort of your home.
#3 - meet your team
A few months before the photography, we'll schedule a video meeting to meet your team member/s, go over details, and review the timeline & questionnaire answers in your Client Portal. Last but not least, we just want to get to know you by asking some personality questions!

tell us your story
Before you share with us your photography date and personal details, please review the Investment Overview on the homepage. All pricing details are reviewed in a video meeting with Ling, manager of Trailing Twine Photography!