First Ever Film Scans from Pentax 645nii

Wedding photographer experimenting with film!

I’ve been inspired by Bryan Capporicci from the Business of Photography Podcast series “Finding Film”. I purchased an old Pentax 645nii and 105mm lens through Ebay, straight from Japan! I felt like I was taking a huge risk, because I hate buying used equipment, but what do you do? Nobody really makes film cameras anymore.

Why do film photography?

I love that vintage look of photos, but I just have a fake feeling when I try to experiment and process my digital images that way. The photos I like to take are “true to life” colors, but thought that if I were to create any images that looked like film, they have to be film. What you see is what you get.

Plus, I love how shooting on film challenges me to think more intentionally about the composition, emotion, and everything else that goes into the photo.

It’s ironic that at the same time I purchased my film camera, I also decided to jump on the mirrorless camera bandwagon, where the approach to photographing documentary work is very different from how you would shoot with film camera.

The photos from this first roll of film aren’t too bad. I see where my Manual Focus missed an eye, and I see how my aperture totally affected the look.

This first roll of film was only 15 photos!!!! When compared to a normal day of wedding shooting, I’m taking thousands of shots.


Hey there, tell me what you think about these images? These are not edited. (SOOC – Straight Out Of Camera). Should I even edit them? I’m really critical…They look too “cool” (blueish) to me, but maybe that’s what you love? Comment below to let me know your thoughts!



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